XML, the Perl Way

An HTML+ example

This file is just a simple example of how you can enrich an HTML document with some additional tags that will be processed to create the final html document

The document is processed by the xml2html1script, which uses some of the basic XML::Twig methods, such as set_gi, text, insert and set_att along with the TwigRoots and TwigPrintOutsideRoots options.

The new tags are: method, tag, package and example.


#!/bin/perl -w

#                                                                       #
#  This example can be used as a framework to create others HTML+       #
#  converters                                                           #
#  It maps various specific elements to common html ones, takes care of #
#  empty elements that would not be displayed in an old browser, and    #
#  finally allows simple inclusion of outside files in the document     #
#                                                                       #

use strict;
use XML::Twig;

my $t= new XML::Twig
         ( TwigRoots =>
             { example     => \&example,    # include a file 
                                            # convert to an html tag
               method      => sub { make(@_, 'tt') },
               tag         => sub { make(@_, 'tt') },
               package     => sub { make(@_, 'bold') },
               option      => sub { make(@_, 'bold') },
               br          => \&empty,      # we need those for the html
               hr          => \&empty,      # to work in old browsers
            TwigPrintOutsideRoots => 1,     # just print the resr

if( $ARGV[0]) { $t->parsefile( $ARGV[0]); } # process the twig
else          { $t->parse( \*STDIN);      }


sub empty                                   
  { my( $t, $empty)= @_;                    
    print "<" . $empty->gi . ">";           # just print the tag html style

sub make                                          
  { my( $t, $elt, $new_gi)= @_;
    $elt->set_gi( $new_gi);                 # change the tag gi
    $elt->print;                            # don't forget to print it

sub example                                 # generate a link and include the file
  { my( $t, $example)= @_;

    my $file= $example->text;               # first get the included file

    $example->set_gi( 'p');                 # replace the example by a paragraph
    my $a= $example->insert( 'a');          # insert an link in the paragraph
    $a->set_att( href => $file);            # set the href attribute

    $example->print;                        # print the paragraph

    open( EXAMPLE, "<$file")                # open the file
      or die "cannot open file $file: $!"; 
    local undef $/;                         # slurp all of it
    my $text= <EXAMPLE>;
    close EXAMPLE;

    $text=~ s/&/&amp;/g;                    # replace special characters (& first)
    $text=~ s/</&lt;/g ;                    
    $text=~ s/"/&quot;/g;

    print "<pre>$text</pre>";               # print the example
